Monday, December 3, 2012

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Engrave don't hold up!"
Hinted at some informations in this sentence of Jing especially, huge strength east as if deep in thought of ordered to nod, then asked:"My friend had a great achievement to once have no in this affair, loss avoided resulting in because you orderany to delay, so they can walk now?"
Especially the Jing immediately expresses consent:"Certainly!"In fact he originally had never intended to help a person of star dragons such as of, just after realizing their underworld identities, proceeded from instinct to contain a kind of bad impression, so just have intention to make difficulties for.
Is huge strength the east ask again:"So these corpse and that how many haven't died of, how should do?"
"All hand over to us the processing!However ……"especially the Jing changes direction Lin Pei Wen and formally gives repeated advice to a way:"Want to tell others in none of anythings that here take place today!"
"See a mood!However the old Niang is a legal citizen, have the right of freedom of speech!"Lin Pei Wen says and then walks toward the doorway to, throw cigarette butt on the ground at the same time, ruthlessly trample to put out.
Huge strength east in quick time walk in the past, took Lin Pei Wen's shoulder, the very low voice said:"Today's affair thanked you ……"
Lin Pei Wen white huge strength east one eye:"Your appreciates that I can be not risen by it, you the Human body like this is too imposing, favour of even say a times of words all have no."
The this absent-minded words of Lin Pei Wen let huge strength the east immediately realize, oneself once said a few words with Lin Pei Wen after return to country, almost can come over with the finger number.The huge strength east feels very embarrassed and coughed a , the branch opened a topic:"You when did the academic association smoke?"
"The old Niang early will smoke, just don't take out in front of you!"
Huge strength east tiny wrinkle up eyebrows:"You when start calling youself'old Niang'?"
"The old Niang early calls his/her own old Niang, only past don't say in front of you!"
Is huge strength east the stem smile two, no longer ask to be rebuffed:"Anyway, today's affair still needs to thank you!"
Sent to walk after Lin Pei Wen and star dragon help, especially the Jings start cleaning up the spot, at the same time looks D Lun several people escorted to walk.For head of that especially the Jing sat down and frankly and earnestly told a huge strength east:"We are gold generals to send to come!"
Is huge strength east the point nod:"I have already guessed."
"?"Especially Jing on picking eyebrows, to huge strength reasonning logically of east the process is very interested in:"You are how to guess"
"I realize immediately carried on a deliberation to various possibility after home has an accident.Have no others to want to remove me now, have no more to dare to make to so greatly act of, in addition to Burma government."The huge strength east takes out smoke and give oneself with especially the Jings all ordered a , then speak own guess is as for attitude that use equally and frankly and earnestly:"I guess for a while, should be a gold general to after receiving the intelligence report that Burma government wants to begin immediately adjust to send you to come over rescue.So I just know that you are armed polices, not common public security official's people Jing.Because gold general transfer armed police's troops more direct, and this affair can not regard as a common case processing, so can not even after public security official's system."

Is the third free ideal chapter 111 mountain Zhai version Gao Cang Jian
Renew time:2009-8-1819:30:44 chapter word numbers:4459

Especially"that's right, just regrettable intelligence report late one step, O.K. didn't result in what loss ……" Jing sighed an one breath, not from must start to praise a huge strength east:"The gold general says that your temple calculates like absolute being, I am still not understand is what mean,Beats By Dre green Monday, just at last understand now."
This especially Jing really don't know, in fact this evaluation is another person to do, the gold flapped Yu to just turn to say 1 time, is also say not to own copyright.
The "the temple calculates ……" huge strength east shakes and have some grievedly say:"If my true temple calculates like absolute being, early should realize that Burma government will adopt very rules means to remove me."
"The gold general hardly cries up other people ……"
"Confucius said:'The man didn't fight and the temple win on the whole, must calculate much also, don't fight and the temple calculate extremely, must calculate little also.Win on the whole more,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, short of extremely, but condition in have no calculate!'I this time be make'do not calculate'of mistake."
Especially the Jing listens to a head of fog water, the but again has no interest to ask 《Art of War 》 , hence turn but tell a huge strength east:"The gold general wants to see you."
"Tomorrow morning 9:00."
"The place that you went last time."
The huge strength east pointed looks D the Lun wait person, and then ask:"This how many cutthroats how do?"
"We will handle okay!"Especially the Jing says, cover a palm with the body, do an action for chopping down.
Huge strength east malicious choked to put out cigarette bud, long long urged to at a stretch say:"Don't too kindness!"
"This you can trust!"Especially the Jing suddenly smiled while making reference to here, from the pocket in took out newspaper to give huge strength eastern:"The proper business once says and chatted some gossip!You are a person at present, just organic meet today, indeed as expected be known for to rather meet!"
Especially some kind of words of Jing's pouring is to have no malice, more of just make fun, but huge strength the east have never understood to comprehend the meaning in the words, hence once connected newspaper to look.
Huge strength east this keeps on seeing, really shocked not small, the front page headlines of the newspaper is unexpectedly the matter of emperor city hotel.Affair since that passes by for many days, the newspaper can take out old rice to lately stir-fry, certainly because of acquiring new clues.
Explanation of authorities to emperor affairs in the city hotel with huge strength east previous of the design is similar, and also have no the responsibility that pursue anyone.But amusement the reporters was in the light of to amuse dead spirit to carry on depth excavation, the clues passing to the everyone and remitting to gather since then carried on comprehensive analysis, and privately carry on an interview to some party concerneds, finally confirm that the affairs doesn't have "hidden facts".
The Yu records well developed imagination dint on the foundation of this"hidden facts", the result was a to such and suchly report to be born:The super billionaire Mu plea for interview star in Hollywood, emperor public security in the city hotel serves faithfully a job to guard not to let go, result both parties broke out conflict.The super billionaire's bodyguard beats mercilessly hotel public security, and put with the huge sum in the after the event even the whole bother.The super billionaire is end whether see star in Hollywood, report although the inside didn't say,fantasized a business of romantic affair with the very ambiguous phrase language.
As for this super billionaire actually is who, report an inside equally don't say, but make attack by insinuation of point out that it owns a huge transnational corporation, and the business enterprise is very mysterious, once was suspected of in the CBD land inviting bids to exist to go bad behavior in the process.There is also in great quantities similar speech in addition, make attack by insinuation of pointed to the target huge strength east.
The huge strength east on the medium definitely exposes to lead at present, the many people sees thus of report, will thought of naturally huge strength east.Domestic and harbor set billionaire's marrying star or pack to keep star is no longer news, the common people also be early getting more tired to this type of lace, but presume to ask Fang Hollywood the star of, huge strength east but still the first, hence this reports a momentary to immediately become a focus.
Huge strength east a go a line of ground that keep on seeing, feel a strength after brain to emit cool breeze.Finally, the huge strength east is raised head and extrudes one silk wry smile:"Do not thought of that you also like to read gossip news!"
Especially the Jing thinks that the huge strength east is packing careless, immediately don't show consideration noodles' pointing out:"You didn't want to say to don't see out, the report to say of is exactly a huge Sir!"
"Did I certainly see out, and still feel touch eyes shocking ……" huge strength the east originally wanted to explain I for a while and Lei Ni of comity, but again feel to have no a necessity to say to an especially the Jing listen to, therefore empress half segment the words kept on swallowing,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday.
Especially vigilance oneself just of words some excessively, mollified tone at this time:"I don't have another meaning, huge Sir's personal affair on the life, I even have no power to interfere with, only this newspaper is a gold general to make me bring yours ……"
On hearing this name, the huge strength east immediately wrinkled up eyebrows:"Gold general?"
"To, is a gold general!"Especially the Jing ordered to nod and added to say:"The meaning of the gold general is to want to make you a little bit more low-key, so the rightness is big Related articles:

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